School Biz
First I would like to mention my grades this year at my new school. All this year my report card shows that I have received straight A's. Because I have got a perfect report card, I get to participate in the school Spelling Bee. 1-8 grade is allowed to compete, and a lot of the second page words are very,very confusing.
Some of my study words are embryo, resuscitable, fajitas, mezzanine, Any one know what the heck they mean????!! My study habits consist of writing each word three times on notebook paper while spelling them in my head, and having friends and family quiz me. I have a month to learn all 450 and I know I'm not remembering them all.
When I received my list my eyes got as big as bowling balls. My mind told me to twirl right around and tell my teacher "NO THANK YOU. MAYBE NEXT DOZEN DECADES." HA HOW ABOUT NEVER!! These poor !st graders they are being tortured by looking at words bigger than them. I'm a fourth grader and having having a heart attack because something so huge is towering over me. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a supercalifrgilistic word in there!!! Ahhhhh! I am ripping my hair out.
Wish me luck and i will keep you posted on my progress.
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